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Friday, September 17, 2010

As the Rhetoric Begins to Swell!

I really dislike the time of year when the political masterminds begin their barrage on the minds of the American People.

Oh the endless wave of rhetoric, positioning, back patting, baby kissing, flesh pressing and hand shaking. It's tiring to me....but I understand it's importance.

I have grown calloused to the promises of "A New Deal" or "Change we can believe in". "Read my lips, no more taxes" my about telling the truth and doing what you say you are going to do! Now THAT would be change I can believe in.

Then there is the endless debate among the potential voters over which political party does more for the people. Is it the Democrats, the Republicans, the Libertarians, or is it perhaps the new kid on the block known as the Tea party Movement?

 What I would really like to see is a politician who is real. Someone who understands that the right kind of government comes from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people. Someone who understands that more government is not necessarily better government and that it, in my opinion, gets in the way of the achievement of the American Dream.

It has been quite a while since our nations leaders have said something that we could all believe in. Something that we could all take pride in.  Something that inspired us to believe in bigger and better things.

Do I expect politicians to be perfect? Heck no! They are humans after all, and humans are fallen and flawed. I do however expect them to realize the critical importance to the roles they play and the people they are responsible to.

This I understand, it is never going to change. I fear it will always be this way, or worse....unless "We the people" do something about it!

It is imperative that we pay attention to the politics on all fronts. From whatever sleepy little town we live in to the national scene. It all matters.

We need to look past the rhetoric and look at the history of the politician in question to see how they have voted in times passed on areas we think are a concern. And for the sake of our nation, stop voting for someone just because they are pro-life, or not voting for them because of the opposite.

If we want to see change, we need to get out and vote for the ones who can make that change. If we don't, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

It is up to us...."We The People"!

Photo source:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The NYC Islamic Center Controversy

I have been following the supposed controversy involving the proposed building of an Islamic Center in New York City near Ground Zero.

When I first heard about this I did not like it one bit, I was against it wholeheartedly. But, now that I have had a few days to contemplate on it and read a little more about it, I am indifferent.

I guess the thing that really bothered me about this whole mess was the thought of building an Islamic Center on the site of where the Towers once stood proudly. However, after reading more about it, the site is actually 2 blocks from where the 9/11 tragedy took place, not on the former World Trade Center site.

The last I checked we still live in a country that provides freedom of religion. That means ALL religions! It is one of the bedrock premises this great country was founded on.

Why all the uproar and debate over such an institution being built at this location? Because of the particular faith or religion involved, and the close proximity to the location of one of our countries most devastating tragedies.

Here is the real problem in this current situation.

On one side you have the Imam of the New York City Mosque who preaches his “conservative” Islam, touting his wish for peace and coexistence between all religions, and on the other side you have people like this pastor Terry Jones in Florida planning a Quran/Koran burning on the anniversary of 9/11. Which one do you think will get the most support?

Here are my thoughts;

First of all….truth is truth! Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me.” 

Second….Why is it the ones that represent Christianity in these situations are always the backwoods, hillbilly extremists (it's my opinion and I'm sticking to it), spewing their hate mongering venom, instead of someone who can quote scripture and speak in intelligible full sentences with the same love and strength that Christ would have shown?

Third….if we have such a big problem with their Interfaith Islamic Center, then maybe we should take up a collection (which we are really good at), and build a Jesus Christ the Way Faith Center next door.

I say to all you Quran burners, how would you like it if the Islamic community had a Bible burning ceremony?

Don’t you realize that it’s the goodness of God that leads men to repentance? Can we not speak with boldness, with Grace and love, to show the absolute love of Jesus Christ?

Let's stop letting the Fred Phelps, and Terry Jones' of the world be the spokes-people for Christianity!

That’s how I look at it!